Discipline (without discipline we often accidentally burned before pillaging, but now we will get it in the right order) Missionary Strength (because why not… maybe go for “For Odin!” achievement) Yearly Army Tradition (oral tradition of the sagas now written down – ideally I would split this. Ship Durability (bit more flexible than combat ability, and their ships strike me as robust)
Yearly Republican Tradition (merit based rulers are likely to stick around a while… or they did not have much merit did they) … I am not sure on this one though Infantry Combat Ability (reflecting their fighting reputation) Trade efficiency (just a why not… seems they would have a trade centred economy rather than tax or production) Colonist (obviously explorers and colonizers… I know value declines of this mid-game but whatever) Development cost (see those rocks and ice… I will make it a home) I am leaning toward Peasant Republic with the following (exact values in the works)